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Sunday 23 September 2012

What is "Increasing Life"?

In the book "The Science of Getting Rich" the author Wallace D. Wattles states:

"Every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life because life - in the mere act of living - must increase itself."

"Life, by living, multiplies itself. It is forever becoming more; it must do so to continue to exist.""Consciousness is continually expanding. Every fact we learn leads us to the learning of another fact. Knowledge is continually increasing. Every talent we cultivate brings to mind the desire to cultivate a new talent. We are subject to the urge of life."

The concept of “Increasing Life” is one of expansion, enlargement and growth in all aspects of our lives. The Universe’s momentum is one of expansion. As part of that universe we have two basic choices. We can “go with the flow” and expand and become (and have) more. Or we can attempt to fight the inevitable and contract.

Those who choose (and it is a choice) expansion become greater than they were.

Those who choose (and it is a choice) to contract become smaller, less significant and more dependent upon others.

So have you adopted an increasing infinite mind-set or a contracting finite mindset?

Those of us with an infinite mind-set enjoy learning, discovery, experience, innovation, risk and challenge.

Those with a finite mind-set avoid opportunity to diminish the perceived risk. They will often have a very rigid and fixed view of the world and how it is supposed to be. Out of a fear of the infinite mind-set they will often try to impose this rigid world view on the rest of us.

I am sure you can see that many of the world’s current problems have as their root cause a fixed, finite, fundamentalist mind-set.

In my next newsletter I will explore how the infinite and finite mindsets are often accompanied by their respective styles of thinking – possibility thinking or probability thinking.

Until next time, yours for Increasing Life!

Simon Hazeldine
Increasing Life
Dedicated to Your Health, Wealth, Success, Happiness and Freedom

P.S. When you join the "Increasing Life" community newsletter you will receive these 4 powerful free gifts:
1) "How Winners Really Set Goals" e-book
2) "Are you tough enough? How to develop your mental strength" e-book
3) "The Real Truth About Visualisation" e-book
4) "The 3 Secrets of the Billionaire Brain" video

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