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Saturday 15 September 2012

How to Use Visualisation to Maximise Your Success!

Would you like to benefit from a mental training technique that is used almost universally by Olympic athletes? A major psychological study reported that 99% of Olympic athletes use imagery as part of their training programme.

In addition, sports psychologists have identified that one of the characteristics of elite athletes is that they are more proficient at imagery than non-elite performers.  The use of imagery is not confined to the sports world.  It has massive power in all walks of life.

Before we look at what imagery is, let me first invite you to participate in an experiment (please do not participate if you have sort of back or neck problem and please consult your doctor before participating if you have any doubt whatsoever) that will demonstrate what it can do for you.

Step 1: Stand up, lift your right arm and point out your index finger.  If you are reading this article in a public place then you may choose to leave this experiment for later - or if you are feeling brave just do it any way!

Step 2:  Keeping your feet pointing straight ahead, turn around clockwise as far as you can comfortably go.  Notice where your index finger is pointing to on the wall behind you.  Then return to the start position.

Step 3: Put your right arm down by your side, close your eyes and in your mind imagine repeating the same movement.  Imagine that as you do it,  that this time you find it much easier than the first time.  Imagine that when you reach the place where you stopped previously that you carry on turning around and notice that you finger is pointing to a place much, further around than before.

Step 4: Open your eyes, lift up your right arm and again point out your index finger.

Step 5: Keeping your feet pointing straight ahead, again turn around clockwise and this time notice how much further you actually turn around than before!

When I ask participants at my motivation and peak performance seminars to try this experiment, I usually hear gasps of astonishment as they discover how much further they turn around the second time!

Based upon the results of our simple experiment, and more importantly on the results of significant psychological research, imagery can be very beneficial as a method of performance enhancement.

So what is imagery? Imagery can be defined as a “symbolic sensory experience” that may occur in any sensory mode. It is sometimes referred to as “visualisation”, although this term implies that it only involves using just the visual sensory mode.  In fact imagery can, and indeed should, incorporate all sensory modes – visual (images), auditory (sound), kinaesthetic (feeling), olfactory (smell) and gustatory (taste). 

Imagery is a mental process or a mode of thought.  Imagery uses all of the sensory modes to re-create or create an experience in the mind.

One of the most fascinating aspects of research into imagery is that when an individual engages in vivid imagery and absorb themselves into it, their brain interprets the imagery as being identical to the actual situation itself.  The brain appears to not be able to distinguish between a vividly imagined situation and a real situation.

With this fact in mind (no pun intended!), in future blog posts we will use what we have learned about imagery and apply it to the powerful performance enhancing technique of mental rehearsal - so please subscribe to this blog to make sure you don't miss out!

If you want to discover more about how to use imagery, mental rehearsal and visualisation please subscribe to the "Increasing Life" newsletter.  As a thank you for joining our community you will receive the fascinating e-book ""The Real Truth About Visualisation" for free plus three other powerful free gifts too! Sign up details are at the top of the page on the left hand side - we look forward to welcoming you to our community.

Until next time, please keep your imagery positive and focussed on the results you want to achieve.  As a wise person once commented, “Be careful what you imagine - it might just come true!”

Simon Hazeldine
Increasing Life
Dedicated to Your Health, Wealth, Success, Happiness and Freedom

P.S. When you join the "Increasing Life" community newsletter you will receive these 4 powerful free gifts:
1) "How Winners Really Set Goals" e-book
2) "Are you tough enough? How to develop your mental strength" e-book
3) "The Real Truth About Visualisation" e-book
4) "The 3 Secrets of the Billionaire Brain" video
Sign up details are at the top of the page on the left hand side - we look forward to welcoming you to our community.

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