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Sunday 9 September 2012

How Winners Really Set Goals

In our last blog post we looked at the power of goal setting.  Goal setting is a proven method of performance enhancement and is extensively utilised by many high performers ncluding elite athletes.

What follows is a simple step- by step process that you can use to set goals. This is 
the powerful process employed by elite athletes.  It has been further enhanced by cutting edge techniques from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) - the psychology of human excellence.

1) Ask yourself the powerful question: What do you want?

Make sure you know exactly what it is you want to achieve.  Although this may seem very simple, in reality very few people are clear about exactly what it is they want to achieve. As a result they may tend to drift and never achieve their potential.

2) You can't do a don't!

Your goal must be stated in a positive manner.  What you do want rather than what you do not want.  Express your goal in a positive, present tense way e.g. "I am a millionaire". 

3) How will you know when you have achieved your goal?

What will it look, sound, feel and even taste and smell like when you achieve your goal?  The more sensory specific data you can include, the more your brain has to lock onto.

4) Is your goal under your control?

Make sure the ability to achieve and maintain your goal is something over which you have control.  If your goal relies on other people acting or behaving in certain way, then this is not under your control.  Your goal must be about what you are going to do.

5) Is there anything that you might lose as a result of achieving your goal?

Achieving your goal may mean you have to put in some additional effort , and may impact, for example, on your free time. Find creative ways to achieve your goal and maintain the current benefits. This will help to prevent the phenomena known as "self-sabotage".

6) Write your goal down.

Write it in a positive, present tense way and use block capitals.  This helps to embed the goal into your unconscious mind.  Writing down the date by which you will achieve your goal creates focus.

7) Read your goal out loud to yourself every day. 

This also helps to embed your goal into your unconscious mind.

8) Put your written goals where you will see them every day.

Put your list of goals on the wall above your desk or bed or bathroom mirror so that you can see them regularly.  Keep your goals front of mind and they will go deep into your mind.

9) Experience your goal as being reality.

Imagine achieving your goal.  This "programmes" the goal into your unconscious mind.  Recent research has revealed that 99% of Olympic athletes use mental imagery or as it is sometimes referred to visualisation as part of their goal setting procedures. 

10) Plan your work and then work your plan.

Olympic Rower James Cracknell told me that he sets short and long term goals.  Combining short and long term goals produces the greatest improvements in performance and achievement.  Set a series of short-term goals along the route to your long -term goals. 

11) Take action now!

The real power of goals is in taking action once you have set them. What is the first action you could take towards achieving this goal? Do it now! If you leave this first vital action until later you may never do it.  An ancient Chinese proverb says:  "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step".  Take that important first step right now. 

Goal setting is a proven and powerful method for generating performance improvements.  Set you goals and take action towards them now!

If you are looking for further information on goal setting and visualisation you will receive a free copy of "How Winners Really Set Goals" e-book and "The Real Truth About Visualisation" e-book (and 2 further valuable free gifts - details below) when you subscribe to the "Increasing Life" community newsletter. Sign up details at the top of the page on the left hand side!

Simon Hazeldine
Increasing Life
Dedicated to Your Health, Wealth, Success, Happiness and Freedom

P.S. When you join the "Increasing Life" community newsletter you will receive these 4 powerful free gifts:
1) "How Winners Really Set Goals" e-book
2) "Are you tough enough? How to develop your mental strength" e-book
3) "The Real Truth About Visualisation" e-book
4) "The 3 Secrets of the Billionaire Brain" video
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