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Wednesday 2 May 2012

What is Self Confidence?

Self-confidence is a somewhat nebulous term.  It will be helpful to understand it in greater detail.  Specifically self-confidence can be thought of as a “global” trait that accounts for overall performance optimism, one’s overall attitude, and can also be much more specific –relating to a perception about one’s ability to perform specific skills.

 This perceived ability to perform specific skills is often referred to as self-efficacy, or “situation specific self-confidence”.  Self-efficacy can be thought of as your perception of your confidence to succeed in a given task at a given time.  It can be thought of as referring to specific/particular skills.

 A concept that is related to confidence is optimism.  Optimism can be thought of as a tendency to expect the best possible result or to focus on the most positive/hopeful aspects of any situation.

The propensity to look for opportunities to grow, develop, win and excel regardless of the circumstance is vital to success in life.

 When the three elements described above – self-confidence, self-efficacy and optimism are combined, they make up a very powerful “I Can Do It” belief that is both global and specific.

Confidence is often confused with arrogance.  It is true that certain confident individuals are outspoken, loud, abrasive and brash. Muhammad Ali would be an obvious example.

However, many quieter and more respectful individuals are every bit as confident.  You can be a highly confident individual without being conceited or arrogant.  A well-developed sense of self-confidence and a positive “Can Do” attitude is a very useful, practical and healthy thing to possess.

Simon Hazeldine
Increasing Life

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