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Thursday 3 May 2012

How You Can Develop Unshakeable Self-Confidence

Whatever your current level of self-confidence is the inspiring news is that you can improve and enhance it.  People who are confident have developed their confidence.

As a result of developing their confidence they will tend to think about themselves in a different way from those who lack confidence.

 If you wish to enhance and strengthen your self-confidence then you need to understand that the mind can, and must be, disciplined in a similar way that the physical body is disciplined by physical training.

Your mind is not necessarily going to automatically going to support you in what you want to achieve.  It can and must be trained to think effectively.

 Our thoughts affect how we are feeling and this affects our actions.  Inappropriate thinking often leads to negative feelings and poor performance.  Appropriate thinking leads to positive and enabling feelings and good performance.

 Confidence is the result of specific thinking habits, and when these habits are practised until they become natural and automatic significant benefits can be realised.

 To develop your self confidence it is important to explore the area of thinking and mind in depth.  It may come as some surprise to you that you have not one mind but two.  Or to be more precise, two spheres of activity within one mind.  These minds are called the conscious mind and the unconscious mind.  This fascinating subject will be the subject of my next blog.  

Until next time, please remember to have confidence in yourself – you can if you think you can!

Simon Hazeldine
Increasing Life: Dedicated to Your Health, Wealth, Happiness, Success & Freedom

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