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Friday 4 May 2012

The Two Spheres Of Your Mind

A consistent finding in psychological research is a direct correlation between self-confidence and success.  For example, a study of over 700 athletes from over 23 different sports concluded that elite performers had higher and more stable levels of self-confidence.  The conclusion was that confidence was a major differentiating factor between elite and non-elite performers.

 To develop your self confidence it is important to explore how we think and how our mind works.  It may come as some surprise to you that you have not one mind but two!  Or to be more precise, two spheres of activity within one mind.  These spheres of activity are often referred to as the conscious and unconscious mind.

 Your Conscious Mind
Your conscious mind is your reasoning, objective level of mind.  It is the mind you are aware of when you are fully awake.  Its role is to take in information, analyse it and decide if some action should be taken.  It is the mind that you consciously “think” with.

 If your conscious mind accepts some information as valid, it is transferred immediately to the unconscious mind that accepts it.  For example, as a small child you did not know that a flame would burn your skin.  Either from actually burning yourself or by observing the terrified reactions of your parents as you moved towards the flame, your conscious mind realised that “Flame equals pain.  Do not touch flames.”  This information would then be passed to the unconscious mind that accepts it without question.

 Your Unconscious Mind
Your unconscious mind is your automatic, subjective level of mind.  It operates below your level of conscious awareness. It maintains all essential like maintenance systems such as digestion, breathing, eyelid blinking etc

 It can be likened to a vast memory bank.  All of your life experiences pass through the conscious mind and are stored in the unconscious mind.  All experiences are stored be they positive or negative.  These experiences are not just passively stored but are actively stored.  This stored data persistently floods your conscious mind with feelings and emotions that affect your thoughts.

 The famous hypnotherapist Ormond McGill has said that each of these memories and experiences stored in the unconscious mind are “forming a thread in the texture of our personality, the total of these impressions being the nature of the individual.”

The role of the unconscious mind is to make sure that you always think, behave and perform in a manner consistent with the information you have accepted as true with your conscious mind.

 Your unconscious mind is concerned with your survival. It maintains a constant vigil. It never sleeps. No psychologist or scientist has ever been able to give a full description of its abilities or activities.   It is universally accepted as a very powerful force in our lives.

 Your unconscious mind concentrates on maintaining what is known as your “world-view”. This is your unconscious mind’s map of the world.  Your world-view is a powerful survival tool.  For example, your world-view tells you that if you step off a cliff you will hurt or kill yourself.  This aspect of your world-view protects you from danger by preventing you from having to experience the danger of falling every time you are on a cliff top!

Once your unconscious mind has established a coherent world-view it is reluctant to allow any data in that conflicts with it.  It will therefore accept or reject information depending upon other information that it holds.

 In the process of growing up we will all have experienced our share of “positive” and “negative” events.  All of these events are stored in your unconscious data bank.  You have probably consciously forgotten many of the actual incidents, but their unconscious effect continues.

If a new idea is now presented to you, you will either reject or accept it depending upon your stored date.  In addition to this your unconscious mind influences your emotions, thoughts and attitude.  You may not be consciously aware of this but it does have a powerful influence over your life.

It is important that you realise that the unconscious mind does not rationalise.  It does not enter into logical debate.  It just controls.  Your unconscious mind does not necessarily work to provide what is logically best for you.  It works to provide what its stored data tells it is best for you.

It does not care if you are “happy”. It does not understand happy.  It does not think in the conscious sense of the word.  It instructs automatically based upon its stored data.  If the data it holds is negative then it could actually be working against what you desire.

Simon Hazeldine
Increasing Life: Dedicated to Your Health, Wealth, Success, Happiness and Freedom

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